do the "Holy Texts" themselves confess that Saul-Paul was looking to tax the rich Jews of the diaspora in order to finance his "ecumenical" plan to seize Roman power?

the glorious history of Corinth, its situation in the middle of the 1st AD. century, so it is assumed that Paul stayed there for a year and a half, and finally the details of said stay, which seen from a Greek point of view, lead to the conclusion that we are dealing with a conspirator who seeks by any means the implementation of dark religio-political plans of, taking advantage of the tolerance of the Roman authorities and the hospitality of the inhabitants of the open sea city of Poseidon and Aphrodite.

The Bible is a compilation of the life and state of the gods, heroes and personalities of the Greek world.

Jesus teaches and judges like Socrates, heals and resurrects like Apollonius Tyanaeus, is crucified like Prometheus, walks on water like the Argonaut Euphimus, descends into the Underworld like Hercules, mourns like Hyacinth, wears the tunic of Apollo and during his burial he is wrapped in the shroud of Patroklos. Jesus becomes the "vine" like Dionysus, the "good shepherd" like Hermes, the "coming one" like Hephaestus and will return at the Second Coming like Odysseus. Jehovah bears a striking resemblance to Poseidon, David plays his lyre like Orpheus, Saul is entertained like Telemachus, and Samson loses his strength when a woman cuts his hair like Pterelaus. Cain kills his brother as does Cytheron and Heaven is the Garden of Hesperides.

Αbout the true face of M. Constantine, about the mysterious death of Julian, about the unknown civil war of the Christians, about the secret technology of the Byzantines, about the famous courtesans and eunuchs and their role in the Palace, about the unknown religions of Constantinople , about the bloody internal conflicts of the Emperors, about the underworld of the City, about the mysticism in Byzantium, about the intrigues in the Imperial Court, about the background of the Fall, about the romances that changed the face of the Empire, about the secret of the last Emperor.


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